Customers increasingly want a rep-free buying experience, but satisfaction levels drop when they go it alone. Sales reps play a role in increased customer confidence, and related buying satisfaction, by accurately diagnosing problems and providing technical expertise. To create a compelling online experience, first develop a thorough understanding of the customer’s buying journey. Do distributors’ […]
Category: Free
Sales Execs in Distribution – This one’s for you!
MDM’s Sales GPS Conference. The only conference for Wholesale Distribution Sales Executives is happening November 1 – 3, 2021 in Rosemont, IL. Discover the latest innovations on the most successful sales models and sales transformation tactics. The post Sales Execs in Distribution – This one’s for you! appeared first on Modern Distribution Management.
Sales GPS Conference Happening Nov. 1-2, 2021
Where are you in your sales transformation journey? Explore the challenges and successes of every stage with your Peers and Experts at Sales GPS Conference. Get all the details by clicking here. The post Sales GPS Conference Happening Nov. 1-2, 2021 appeared first on Modern Distribution Management.
Sales Travel Will Continue to Be a Mixed Bag in 2022
With the uncertainty of the COVID-19 variants, distributors need to embrace flexibility for how and where they conduct their sales calls with customers. Not being able to see customers in-person for sales calls has hampered some distributors in 2021. Some companies, such as Disney, are requiring proof of COVID-19 vaccination before allowing in-person sales visits […]
How F.W. Webb is Pivoting Business Through the Pandemic
• F.W. Webb is a $1.4 billion-a-year distributor of plumbing, heating, cooling, PVF and industrial products. • Jeff Pope is a third-generation family member to run the business following his grandfather (Roger) and father (John). • Business has been good for F.W. Webb during COVID thanks, in part, to Pope’s leadership during the crisis. • […]
A Guide to Building Stronger Partnerships with Distributor Advisory Councils
Every manufacturer who goes to market with distributors or dealers is at least one step removed from users. Many of these manufacturers tout that they’re customer- or market-oriented, but in reality, they continue to be product-driven, pushing goods on users through distributors. They simply sign-up new distributors, load them with inventory, and forget to provide […]