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Pandemic Revenue Index Shows Nice Gain in Non-Holiday Week

Eric Smith
posted on September 23, 2020

Indian River Consulting Group’s (IRCG) weekly Pandemic Revenue Index for the work week of Sept. 14-18 indicated a sales increase of 4.9% versus the same week in 2019, which is the largest increase outside of a week distorted by a holiday.

For example, the PRI for the weeks that included Memorial Day, the Fourth of July and Labor Day all saw gains thanks to favorable comp period.

This week’s mid-single-digit improvement was an apples-to-apples comparison. Normalizing for average daily sales, the increase makes six consecutive weeks of increases.

Seven companies reported gains with four of them being double digits. Of the five companies that saw decreases, the range was from 3% to 30%, so there is still a fair amount of variance among the participants.

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