Free 2024 Mobile Engagement Guidebook for Distributors

Empower Your Team with Unified Business Messaging

One team inbox unifies mobile channels such as text, email, chat, branded mobile apps and WhatsApp.

Enhance Engagement with Smart Messaging

Easily connect with your team and customers to enable direct communication, allowing for instant interaction and transactions from anywhere, at any time.

Purpose built for Wholesale Distributors and Dealers

Our user-friendly dashboard simplifies communication and order management, allowing your team to efficiently engage with customers through text, email, chat, branded mobile apps and WhatsApp.
0 %

Faster response times

than the average
0 %

Sales spikes

with instant messaging
0 x

Higher engagement rates

when compared to email
0 %

Company sales

received in messages

Shared Team Inbox

Web and mobile app Team Inbox for text, email, chat and Whatsapp

Send Quotes

Send PDFs, cut-and-paste screen shots or images to your customers

Communication History

Sales managers can view metrics and history for all previous conversations with customers


Monitor customer engagement and the performance of your branches and team

Broadcast Messages

Send notifications to targeted segments and groups with our engagement engine

Zero Setup Fee

Set up your Unified Business Messaging subscription with no set up fee

Use Your Team Inbox Anytime, Anywhere

Moblico’s Team Inbox includes a mobile app so your team can receive dashboard notifications on their mobile phone as well as access the Team Inbox with a single click. You can also send important in-app notifications to your team.

A Few Ways to Use Unified Business Messaging

Sales Orders

Order Status

Quote Request





After Hours

Did you know...

95% of text messages are read within 5 seconds. Imagine if your team had a better way to manage the channel your customers prefer - that's where Moblico comes in.

Common Questions

How does Unified Business Messaging help my company improve customer engagement?

Unified Business Messaging offers a variety of communication tools that allow you to reach out to customers in real-time, such as SMS marketing and push notifications. These tools can help you keep your customers informed, offer personalized experiences, and build brand loyalty.

Can I automate responses to frequently asked questions using Business Messaging?

Yes, our platform includes automation tools that can handle repetitive tasks and help you save time. You can set up chatbots or automated responses to common questions, freeing up your team to focus on more complex customer inquiries.

Is it possible to send high-volume messages using Unified Business Messaging?

Yes, our platform is designed to handle high volumes of messages quickly and reliably. Whether you need to send a mass SMS campaign or push notifications to thousands of users, our platform can handle it.

Do I need any new equipment?

No. There is no hardware you need to buy to use unified business messaging solution. We’ll use your current business landline number and all you’ll need is internet access.

What does it take to get set up?

Getting set up is EASY and you can be ready to go in just a few days. We get the system in place and set up a quick 20-minute training to get you started.

Is it expensive?

There is NO SETUP FEE or equipment to buy. You pay a nominal fee month to month and can cancel anytime.

What kind of analytics does Unified Business Messaging offer?

Our platform provides detailed analytics on customer behavior and engagement, including open rates, click-through rates, and response rates. This information can help you optimize your messaging strategy and improve customer engagement over time.
Have any further questions about Moblico?

Optimize Your Engagement

Mobile engagement is crucial in wholesale distribution, leveraging digital experiences for real-time, personalized interactions, driving customer satisfaction, and business growth.

Download Mobile Engagement GuideBook

Our mobile engagement guidebook offers strategies to optimize communication with customers through mobile platforms. It covers best practices, tools, and tips for enhancing engagement, driving sales, and streamlining customer interactions. Download the guide to improve your mobile outreach.

Book a demo

Start your mobile journey today.